Plant positive seeds and you will have beautiful fruits

"Your thoughts are seeds that you plant." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Hello Reader,

I'm currently reading a book that explains the science behind our brain and our reality (the physical world). I've always been fascinated by the fact that as human beings, we're capable of producing our reality if we think and focus on that thought with the belief that it will happen.

You can create anything with your mind. Most of us know this; however, many don't use it to their advantage. The book that I'm currently reading, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza, explains that we can make our thoughts a reality if used with emotions.

Many of us want to live better, get a new and better paying job, start a successful business, get married, etc. However, these wants are backed by fear! Fear is a state that makes us feel pessimistic about the things that we want. Some people want to get married, but they're afraid that it will result in a divorce. Some people would like to have more money, but they're so scared that people will take advantage of them.

Do you really think that what you want, backed by fear, will come to you abundantly? Of course not, not abundantly. Your thoughts are seeds that you plant. You can wish for all the good things in life. However, it will come with the negativity that you associate it with.

I've had so many situations where my thoughts became a reality. I remember when I declared that I would be working at the government. When everyone else had a government student job back when I was in University, I thought it was too late for me to get in. However, I still told myself, "if I'm going to live in the Capital City, then I will work at the government." A year after graduating, I got the opportunity to work at the government. It was so easy to get in that you probably won't believe it. I did all the interview process, and I think that the reason why this was the fruit of my thoughts was the following:

  1. I never applied for the position; the HR department saw my resume and called me.
  2. I knew the person that interviewed me, and he worked at my past two employments before the government.
  3. I was so nervous at the interview, but I remained confident and showed up for it.

I'm not sure if I ever shared this story, but when you think about something for long, that thing will become a reality. I have so many other situations, and I bet you do too. To empower you to keep speaking and thinking things into existence, I want you to think about past events that unfolded because you were positive, confident that it will happen. And it happened without you even trying.

Write your answer down, and you can even share your story with me. Just reply to this email :).

Keep thinking positively about your life, yourself, and others. Beautiful things happen to those who seek greatness. Even if you don't believe in what I just shared, keep being positive because the law of attraction is real.

On this week's Podcast Episode!

Financial Health: It's as Important as Our Overall Health!

Remember, Self-First isn't Selfish,


Let's Connect:

On YouTube: The Emmerance

On Instagram: @TheEmmerance

On TikTok: theemmerance


Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala

Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala is a self-empowerment coach, personal development podcaster and transformational speaker. One of the many ways she helps people is through her podcast, The Emmerance Podcast, which focuses on Self-Love. Subscribe now to get new podcast episodes notifications.

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